
Portland 2019 Winter Sectional

Tournament is Saturday, January 26th, and Sunday January 27th only. Look for special events at the clubs on the Friday before.

Plenty of parking in the Montgomery Park lot (ignore the posted 2-hour limits).

Flyer: Tournament Flyer

Fee Change The tournament fee will be increased to $12 per session. This increased cost will provide for the maximum amount of hospitality possible, which will include coffee/tea during the morning session and limited snacks throughout the day (as much as we can buy via Elephants’ catering with the money available). As always, the objective is not to make a profit, but to offer the members of our unit the opportunity to play in tournaments earning silver points and playing with and against a wider variety of opponents than what they might experience in the club games.

Sunday Lunch In order to provide the most efficient use of everyone’s time, the Board is offering lunch from Elephants Delicatessen (macaroni and cheese and green salad) Sunday only at a cost of $6.

If you are interested, by Thursday, January 17, please send an email to Deanne Takasumi at or sign up at the Ace, PBC, or VBC. Tickets will be issued upon payment on Saturday morning, January 26, to those who have signed up to purchase the lunch. If you prefer not to purchase this lunch, Elephants will be open upstairs at Montgomery Park or you can bring your own lunch.

Information/Results: ACBL Tournament Information